Upright Meaning:

If the Ace of Swords appears in a health reading, it suggests that you have the inspiration and drive to overcome health issues that have been bugging you.

You are beginning to understand your mind and body more, and how they are interlinked. You are discovering the right ways to treat yourself to look after your health and wellbeing, focusing on moderation and connection. You may need to let go of bad habits that are not serving you, and welcome a new way of living.

Reversed Meaning:

When the Ace of Swords pops up reversed in a health reading, it suggests that mental stress is causing ill health and this is beginning to seriously impact your wellbeing.

You are a deep thinker and take a lot of burdens and strain on, and this can be really harmful to your happiness. If you are really struggling with stress, perhaps reach out to a therapist. They can help you talk through your feelings and learn how to cope with stress better.