Upright Meaning:

Pulling the Eight of Pentacles upright in a health reading is the equivalent of the cards saying, have you been working out? It shows! Have you changed your diet, eating more vegetables, fewer potato chips? It shows!

If you’ve been making healthy changes, you’re seeing the results right now. You’re not quite at your goal, but you’re getting there. Good for you; change is hard, especially when it comes to being better at yourself!

This could also have to do with your mental health. Have you started seeing a therapist? Are you working through a past trauma? It’s been hard, and it will still be hard, but you’re getting closer to feeling better. Keep at it, you’ve already put in a lot of sincere work, and that’s not a small feat.

Whatever your health project is: you’re starting to see the results.

You’re not quite there yet, but you will get there, and it’s going to pay off tangibly. This could mean you will lose that last couple of pounds. It could mean that because you feel better mentally, you’re able to get a better job and get a raise. Pay attention to new opportunities coming your way; you earned it!

Reversed Meaning:

Unfortunately, if this card is reversed in a health reading, things aren’t paying off. But they’re not paying off because the work you’ve put in isn’t genuine. The cards are calling you out. Stop cutting corners, stop thinking that things will work out without any work.

If you’ve been in therapy and don’t understand why you don’t see progress, ask yourself if you’ve been genuine to yourself and your therapist. If you’ve been dieting but aren’t seeing progress, ask yourself if you’ve been as active as you could be. Do not simply bang your head against a wall expecting a new result. Take a step back and find a new approach.

Most importantly, when you draw the Eight of Pentacles reversed in a health reading is the call to self-examine why you aren’t moving forward. Some of us consciously cut corners, some of us unconsciously cut corners. It’s time to be true to yourself, to be vulnerable, and to get going.