Upright Meaning:
The Ace of Pentacles is probably one of the best cards to appear in a career and money reading! With its energy of unlimited potential and gain, the universe is on your side.
Keep your eyes open to new and exciting opportunities within your workplace. There may be a new career change coming your way, or an exciting opportunity for promotion. If you have been wanting to try something new and apply for a different job, the Ace of Pentacles is telling you that you should go for it! You have the energy that is needed for success.
When it comes to money, the Ace of Pentacles is telling you that a windfall is coming your way. You will have to work for it, but you have the tools at hand in order to achieve it. There are new financial opportunities coming your way, so keep your eyes peeled!
Reversed Meaning:
When the Ace of Pentacles is reversed in a career reading, it suggests that you are missing opportunities to succeed in work. You may feel insecure at your place of work, so the Tarot is wanting you to examine your career goals. Are you really in the right career? Or, do you actually want to try out something new?
It might be scary to follow a new career path, but if it makes you happy, you must go for it! It is time to look at your hopes and dreams and work out what is falling short in your career.
When it comes to money, the reversed Ace of Pentacles is not a good sign. It suggests that you have a bad relationship with money and this is causing you pain.