Upright Meaning:
The Ace of Swords is a great card to receive in a career and money reading! It will often represent a new opportunity regarding work, whether it be a change of career or a promotion. You are in a pretty stimulating work environment right now and this is providing you with a clear vision and passion for your work.
You will come across challenges in your workplace, but you will actually enjoy them! You have a great mind that can solve issues and overcome obstacles, allowing you to succeed in your career.
In regards to money, the Ace of Swords is reminding you to think rationally. Don’t jump into investments or quickly lend people money. Think before you part with your money, and make sure you are considering your own needs first.
Reversed Meaning:
When appearing reversed in a career reading, the Ace of Swords suggests that you are not getting the mental stimulation you crave in your current job. You may enjoy what you do, but you might think that something is missing. You may be suffering from a creative block, and not able to express yourself properly in your workplace.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to change your job (unless that is something you are wanting to do)! You may just need to rejig the way you are approaching your work and try and think of new and exciting ways of working. It will soon begin to make sense and you will get a new boost of energy and love for your career.
In regards to money, the Ace of Swords is asking you to be very careful with your finances right now. Mistakes with money might be on the horizon, so think long and hard about any investments that may be offered to you.