Upright Meaning:

When appearing upright in a home and family reading, the Ace of Swords suggests that there are new beginnings in the friendship group or family unit that will allow you to come together and grow. If there have been interpersonal issues recently, the Ace of Swords welcomes clarity and will illuminate the situation, allowing you all to solve the problems.

The Ace of Swords suggests that you have a steady head that will help you overcome any issues that you are having. It is time to reach out to those that you have been having issues and move forward together.

Reversed Meaning:

There is conflict seriously impacting your happiness at home and nobody seems to be taking any blame for it. There is stubbornness on both sides, and emotions are running high. Nobody is really thinking about the things that they are saying or doing, and this is causing disruption.

It is time to start communicating better! Open up with your loved ones and tell them how you feel, and be respectful towards them when they open up to you. If you all work together, you will be able to overcome any issues. Remember, everyone sees the situation from different sides and nobody is right or wrong.