Upright Keywords:

Breakthroughs, Decisions, Success, Clarity, Clear-thinking, Vision, Force, Concentration, Stimulation

Reversed Keywords:

Destruction, Confusion, Irrationality, Arguments, Conflict, Clouded, Judgement, Hostility

There are four aces in a traditional Tarot card deck, one for each suit. I see aces as representing their suit in the most powerful and purest form. It is singular energy, one that is potent and strong. In each ace we see a hand emerging from the clouds, and this symbolizes the universe gifting us its powers.

Aces represent a oneness with the universe and the spirits. They represent beginnings and new possibilities.

Upright Meaning

The Ace of Swords suggests a new wave of ideas, with breakthroughs and realizations on the horizon. It brings forth clarity and understanding and suggests that your mental skill will bring you success.

If things have been confusing and difficult recently, the Ace of Swords brings you the energy of understanding and new beginnings. There is courageousness to this card and it is telling you to act. It is time to pursue opportunities and overcome obstacles that might be standing in your way.

The Ace of Swords is allowing you to see the truth and begin a new journey. There may be battles ahead, but with the sword in your hand, you will overcome them.

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Ace of Swords suggests that you are currently making pretty bad decisions and this is causing issues. You are not really thinking about how you are acting and your judgment is clouded by emotion.

You are choosing to only see the truth that you want to see, and this will have disastrous consequences. You are being stubborn about a certain situation and choosing to live with conflict and not find a resolution. There are too many things that are affecting your actions, such as emotions and outside influences, and you are not thinking things through.

Soon, you will have to face the facts and learn from the world around you. We all succumb to bad judgment from time to time, but you seem to not want to learn from this. The universe is sending you a sign and asking you to wake up!