Symbolism & Imagery:

Like The Tower card, the imagery of the Death card can be pretty shocking. Most traditional Tarot cards depict a skeleton riding on a white horse. He is often seen as representing the Grim Reaper or a messenger of death. He is wearing a suit of armor and carries a black flag. The black flag shows a white rose.

The energy of the character is strong, with the armor suggesting that death can never be overcome. He will always be there, undefeatable. The contrast between the black flag and the white horse and rose is to be noted. It shows the two sides of life. The destruction in with the peace. Life and death are together as one.

The card does not just depict the character of Death. It also shows us those that are affected by it. Children, royalty, women, and men are all bowing to death. It spares no one. There is a river leading towards sunset in the background of the card. This shows us the hope of renewal and how life will always go on, even when we think it is all over. Every day the sun rises and every day the sunsets. There is birth and death all around us.