Upright Meaning:

The Eight of Cups is not a great omen in a love or relationship Tarot spread. It represents abandonment or abandonment issues. If you are in a relationship, it can signify either you or your partner walking away from the relationship. It can represent leaving a bad relationship. You may be so weary from the relationship that you feel you have no other option but to let it go. This Tarot card can also be an indication that abandonment issues may cause arguments in your relationship.

If you are single, the Eight of Cups can indicate loneliness or being weary of getting into a new relationship. It can also be a sign that abandonment issues, perhaps due to a bad past relationship or abandonment by a parent, are preventing you from believing in love or trusting people you are in relationships with, look to supporting cards to confirm this.

Reversed Meaning:

In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship, the Eight of Cups reversed can indicate that you may be unhappy in your relationship but unwilling to let it go for fear of being alone. You may be doing a great job of appearing to the outside world to be happy in your relationship while on the inside things have become monotonous and stagnant. It can also indicate fear of commitment or lack of emotional maturity causing problems in a relationship. If appearing in relation to a divorce or separation, the Eight of Cups reversed shows things being handled badly for example: a father or a mother abandoning the family or a divorce turning nasty.

If you are single, the Eight of Cups Tarot card in a reversed position can indicate that may be putting off potential partners by being too clingy. It can also indicate that you accept bad treatment from partners due to low self-esteem or self-worth. Alternately, you may be running from relationships as soon as they get serious as you fear commitment. Whatever the issues are, you will need to work on them in order to have a healthy relationship in the future. Once you resolve your own issues with relationships and raise your self-worth you will attract the right partner to you.