Upright Meaning:

The Five of Cups in a health reading means you have or will get bad news regarding your health or a loved one’s health. This is not a death sentence, as there is the hope of the bridge and the positives in the two standing cups, but this is a very difficult time.

It isn’t fair and sometimes it comes out of nowhere. It’s okay to be angry, it’s okay to be sad. Let yourself feel those feelings but know when it’s time to turn this card on its head and move forward. The future is bright, you just are in a tough moment.

Reversed Meaning:

If you pull this card reversed in this reading then you have just overcome a health issue. You may have just added a friend or family member through a health scare as well. Whatever the case: the worst is behind you. You can let go of the fear and shame and move forward stronger. The worst is over.