Upright Meaning:

The Five of Swords upright in a career and money reading isn’t good (shocking, I know). You are going to or have already had an argument with a coworker or partner. While you feel as though you’ve won, you’ve lost respect and a good working relationship with that person or people.

Swords are, of course, to do with air, so you haven’t lost anything financial (yet) but pay attention to the cards after the Five of Swords. If you see Pentacles, this argument will materialize quickly. It could mean a serious financial loss if you don’t recover well.

This card also indicates that you currently have arguments with your partner or work partner about money. Do not be so stubborn, be rational, be open to discussion, be open to change. This card is not to be taken lightly; it can ruin relationships forever.

Reversed Meaning:

The Five of Swords reversed in a career, and money reading is recognizing the current or past struggle with money or work decisions. It seems like you and your coworkers or partners have found common ground and are all working towards a mutual goal. Continue to tread lightly, keep communication open and respectful. You’re not out of the clear yet.

If you and your domestic partner have been arguing about money, this is also showing that you’re both working towards your common goals better now. Again, you’re not out of the clear, so tread lightly.

This card reversed in a career, and money reading is hopeful; breath easy but not too easy!