Upright Keywords:

Rest, Rejuvenation, Peace, Meditation, Seclusion, Recuperation , Relaxation, Contemplation, Sanctuary, Regrouping, Solitude

Reversed Keywords:

Restlessness, Burnout, Ignoring needs, Re-entering society, Recovery, Stagnation, Exhaustion

Upright Meaning

The Four of Swords signals that it is time to rest. Worries and stresses of the world have taken their toll, and you will not be ready for what is to come without taking the time out to pause and consider the situation and your next steps.

You may already know what you are going to do next, but if the Four of Swords is showing up for you, now is not the time to forge ahead with that plan. You aren’t yet ready to wade into those deeper waters.

Take a deep breath and pause before proceeding. Whether that means taking a large chunk of time off of work to focus on your mental health or just taking one moment to breathe before sending a text or submitting a proposal, the Four of Swords asks you to bring your mind back to center.

Reversed Meaning

As always, a reversed card can be an indication of a lessening of the energies involved with the upright version of the card, but it can also be an indication that these energies have reached an unsustainable point and need to be addressed and paid attention to before things become too dire.

You could be approaching a level of burnout in the Four of Swords reversed that will push you to a precipice you may have a hard time coming back from if these things aren’t taken care of in a timely manner. You may have ignored your body or mind’s pleas to take time out to take care of yourself, and now things have gotten to the point where you cannot continue.

Alternatively, you could be experiencing a period of renewal and a new perspective on life after a time of isolation. You could be ready to re-enter society, full of new ideas and energy. The specific situation and surrounding cards will clarify which iteration of reversal this is.