Upright Meaning:
If the Four of Swords shows up in a love reading, it may be time to take a step outside of your relationship. It doesn’t necessarily mean it is time to dissolve the relationship, but you may have become codependent on your partner unknowingly, and the edges between where they end and you begin have become blurred.
In order to bring your relationship back into balance, take some time to yourself. You can use this time in any way you want – reexamining the relationship isn’t always necessary. You’ll know what is being asked depending on the situation and any supporting cards. If you are single, now is not the time to jump into a new relationship.
Enjoy this time to yourself. Romance yourself the way you would if you did have a partner. Practice self-care, whatever that looks like to you. Your future relationships will be all the richer for you having taught yourself interdependence.
Reversed Meaning:
In a love reading, the Four of Swords reversed is all about perspective. You may be recovering from a difficult time in your relationship and ready to recommit yourself, or you may have reached a breaking point where it is time to end the relationship or at least consider a trial separation. If you are single, you may be ready to enter into a new relationship again, or you could be feeling as though you will never find love and thus retreating further into yourself.