Upright Meaning:
When it comes to health and wellbeing, the Justice card is asking you to make sure there is balance in your life. Are you working out too much or not enough? Perhaps you are eating too many fatty foods or tend to smoke when you are stressed?
The Tarot is telling you that you must try to maintain a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle. This can be hard, but simple changes to your routine can really affect your long-term health and happiness! Remember, it is never too late to try out new things and kick bad habits.
Reversed Meaning:
In a health reading, the reversed Justice card is sending you a pretty big warning! The imbalance in your health and wellbeing will significantly harm you if not addressed as soon as possible.
It is time to face up to your bad habits and overindulgence. Things in excess will always harm your health, so make sure you are doing everything in moderation.