Upright Keywords:
Control, Intuitive, Mastery of emotions, Emotional intelligence, Practical intelligence, Balance, Good decision-making skills
Reversed Keywords:
Lacking control, Reactive, Overly emotional, Poor execution, Poor decision-making skills, Withdrawn, Selfish
As the Queens in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck aspire to one day be The Empress in the Major Arcana, the Kings all aspire to one day be The Emperor. Think of each King as a facet of the phase of life of The Emperor. Think of him as growing, learning new crafts, and mastering different elements as he ascends to his status as emperor.
Kings are all strong, mature, and stable. They are the most evolved version of their respective suit as they evolve to The Emperor. In our world, they function as managers, heads of households, or CEOs, they are very knowledgeable in their craft, and they run their respective environments.
Kings are all fathers with masculine energy, but just as Queens are not necessarily female, Kings are not necessarily male. It’s not about their sex but rather their masculine energy. These people are leaders in their family, community, workplace, and friend group.
Kings easily care for others as they are financially and emotionally stable. They enjoy this work. They seek to make a positive impact on the world they will eventually leave behind. Legacy is a major focus for them now.
The King of Cups, therefore, is the master of water, while the King of Pentacles masters the element of earth, and so on.
Upright Meaning
Pulling the King of Cups upright in a Tarot spread is a positive sign. This is a really strong person in your life, and depending on where it falls in your psychic reading, it could be you! If so: good for you!
The King of Cups has high emotional intelligence; he is also a master of his own emotions. He is not one to lose his temper or react impulsively. Furthermore, the King of Cups can offer his wisdom in emotional control to people around him. He is very helpful and willing to help you grow emotionally.
The King of Cups brings his emotional intelligence and mastery to work. He is an excellent people manager, and he’s also astute at business. He can accomplish great things because of his emotional mastery. Furthermore, he’s well-respected and liked at work because he is not condescending, rude, or snappy to his employees and coworkers. If you work with a King of Cups, lucky you!
Reversed Meaning
ulling the King of Cups reversed can mean a couple of things. Similar to The Queen of Pentacles, it can mean that rather than focusing that mastery of element and emotions outwards, the King of Cups in question is focusing it inward. This is a portion of personal growth, and there’s nothing wrong with focusing on yourself to grow emotionally. However, eventually, we do want the King of Cups to be upright for you. The ability to share your power with others is imperative to growth and the cycle of humanity.
The King of Cups reversed can also be negative. It can mean you’re stingy with your mastery of emotions; you refuse to share your experiences to help others grow.
Pulling the King of Cups reversed can also mean you’re selfish, withdrawn, and probably quick to temper. The King of Cups reversed is reactive and overly emotional, quick to snap at anyone who crosses you or makes a mistake. This is not where you want to be. No one wants to be around that person.