Upright Meaning:
The King of Cups upright in a love reading is a good sign. This could be you, your partner, or a partner in the future. Whoever they are, they’re great! This isn’t a person that’s going to start fights; this is a person who will take the time to reflect on emotions before they react. They will be great for making constructive conversation in order to improve your relationship.
The King of Cups as a partner is not someone you’re going to be afraid to bring up difficult subjects with. They have an open mind and are not reactionary.
Reversed Meaning:
If you pull the King of Cups in a love reading, it’s not a good thing for you and your partner. This means that one of you is withholding emotions and not vocalizing their true wants or needs. I advise you to open up a dialogue if this is the case. It might be uncomfortable, but you’re not going to get what you need if you don’t ask for it. Your partner isn’t a mind reader.
This card reversed in a love reading could also be that you or your partner is quick to emotional responses. They or you react quickly and rashly without stopping to reflect and decide on how you want to react. This is damaging to any relationship.
If this is you, I encourage you to do work on controlling your emotions and breathing deeply before you react. If this is your partner, it is worth trying to broach the subject with them. If they can’t handle this, then it might be time for you to walk away. You cannot be with someone you can’t discuss difficult things with.
Depending on the cards around the reversed King of Cups for you, this could signify the end of your relationship. Otherwise, it could just be a rough patch.