Upright Meaning:
This king in your home and family reading will be pointing to a patriarch or patriarchal role. This might be something you are stepping into in your family and if so: congratulations! You have certainly earned the respect that being the King of Pentacles gives you.
You may be taking on more responsibility at home. You might be about to become a parent, you may have gotten a well-deserved raise that’s allowing you to take care of your family in a different way than before. Whatever the outcome: you earned it. Congratulations!
Reversed Meaning:
If you pull the King of Pentacles reversed in a home and family meaning, you may be feeling a void where a strong presence is needed. It might be time for you to get your finances and career in order so that you can take on this role. It might not be your responsibility though, so take cues from the cards before and after this king to fully understand what the reading is trying to tell you.
You probably feel uncertain of where your next paycheck is coming from. Your family may be in danger of losing their home or car because they can’t make the required payments. Whatever the situation, it could get very dire.
My advice to you is to go over your finances and make changes. See where you can cut back, see how you can save. This will not only help you immediately but will establish a good pattern for your entire life.
Remember that a bull rams into the same wall over and over again until it or the wall falls. A smart bull finds another way to get around that wall. You will need to put in the work to get through, over, or around the wall in front of you.
If you pull the King of Pentacles reversed in this reading, it is a challenge to do better. Time to wise up and get realistic!