Upright Keywords:

Money/wealth, Discipline, Financial success, Wisdom, Financial stability, Business, Abundance

Reversed Keywords:

Unskilled in business, Poor money management, Stubborn, Greedy, Relentless

Upright Meaning

The King of Pentacles upright is a very positive card as far as wealth and stability are concerned. This is a completion card: your hard work is over, your tasks are completed. Now, you sit and enjoy the fruits of your labors.

You are able to take care of yourself and others now. You have the wisdom to give but also financial stability. You are able to help others grow by offering monetary support and solid, informed advice. And what’s more? You want to!

Reversed Meaning

The King of Pentacles reversed is all the energies this king possesses but blocked. You may find you’ve made poor business decisions. You may have invested in a bad venture or overspent when you should have been saving. Whatever the case, you are not financially stable at the moment. Your work isn’t coming to fruition because of your ineptitude in business.

If you pull this card reversed, I encourage you to look at the cards around it. What are they suggesting you do? The Taurus is stubborn, digging his feet into the ground and charging head-on into problems. But is this always the best approach? You should try something else.

Take a note from this wise king, he has accomplished wealth, knowledge, and balance. Seek advice from a King of Pentacles in your life and here’s the difficult part: listen to him and do what he says.