Upright Meaning:

When KoS appears upright in a career meaning it means great news! Especially if you’ve been aiming for a promotion or a higher position. KoS is also an indication that you will receive more than you hoped for; your position/promotion might be much higher and powerful.

The King of Swords also represents a mentor who will guide you on your career path and rise up to the very top. This is someone who is wise and experienced beyond their years, someone who has the upper hand and support of the sylphs on their side.

Listen to the advice and guidance of this person freely, and without doubts, they’ve come to take you to the stars.

Conversely, KoS can indicate an aerial relocation due to your job. You might receive that promotion and get relocated to a new place, a place where air transit is quite often.

The KoS can also mean that your strategic approach and visualization have worked – you are (finally) going to do the job you’ve been chasing after all this time. Both luck and wits are on your side; congratulations!

Reversed Meaning:

When KoS appears reversed in a career reading, it means bad news. In the mild version – you didn’t get the promotion you were hoping for. In the less mild version – your boss/supervisor has it in for you, and he is standing in your way to the promotion.

It can also indicate that a powerful (smart) colleague has something against you and is spreading rumors about you that are hurting your reputation and professional advancement.

If KoS reversed symbolizes you, then that means that you will be toppled from your position due to a foul demeanor towards your subordinates. The KoS reversed foretells of your fall from the position you currently hold, and your sharp wits can save you from this.

Conversely, it can mean that you are in danger of losing your position due to some hidden enemies and misinformation that has been spread about you for the purpose of harming you.

Reversed KoS indicates a lack of discipline and planning. So, if you’re in it for the long run and you’ve been unable to make progress, it’s time to examine your approach and routines; some changes and adjustments must be made before you advance in order to reach your goal.