Upright Meaning:
In a love reading, upright King of Wands indicates a strong-headed male person that is already present in your life (as a romantic interest) or a person who will soon enter your romantic sphere of interest. This can be an indication that the person who will “steal your heart” is of fire temperament and zodiac sign of Leo or Aries.
This card can also indicate a faithful meeting with someone who will become your love interest in a place where there’s a lot of fiery energy (like a music festival, a concert or at a movie theatre while going to see an action movie). And King of Wands is a strong indication that you will become enamored with someone who you see as independent and inspirational, someone you can look up to.
If you’re already in a relationship, this card indicates a sudden move that is actually a very good and productive decision, passionate sex and a lot of fiery emotions between you and your partner with lots of jokes and good-quality humor.
Reversed Meaning:
If it represents another person, then the message is clear – you’re dating a bully. This is someone who has too much Ego and who doesn’t want to include you in any decision-making. What’s worse, this can represent someone who is full-on tyrannical towards you and presses you in all ways that matter.
On the other hand, if you’re single and you have been for quite some time now, then this card is an indication of the reason why you’re single. Reconsider your position in regards to others and your attitude. The King of Wands represents one’s attitude first and foremost. If you have problems ending up in a relationship this could be an indicator of your arrogant and high-and-(all)mighty approach.
This could also be a warning that you’ve fallen in love with someone who has strong masculine energy despite their gender, and someone who is focused solely on sex when it comes to you. So don’t place your hopes in a stable and committed relationship stemming from the current situation when King of Wands makes his appearance reversed.