Symbolism & Imagery:
In the Knight of Cups, a knight rides on a white horse and holds out a golden cup as if he bears a message from the heart. Over his armour, the knight wears a cloak covered with images of fish, the symbol of water, consciousness and creativity. His helmet and boots are winged, a symbol of an active and creative imagination and an appreciation for beautiful things.
Unlike the Knight of Wands or the Knight of Swords, the horse in the Knight of Cups is not charging forward but instead moves slowly and gracefully, giving an air of calmness and peace. The horse represents power, energy and drive and the colour white is a symbol of purity, spirituality and light.
The background is mostly barren, except for some trees far away and the river that flows through, symbolising the power of the emotions and imagination to create a new life force, even where it may seem that there is none.