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Today we are explaining the Minor Arcana Tarot Suits
Despite being the “minor” cards in the Tarot deck, they make up 56 cards out of the total 78. Their influence is anything but minor too.
Before we have the Minor Arcana tarot suits explained, here are the four suits in the Minor Arcana:
Suit of Cups
Suit of Wands
Suit of Swords
Suit of Pentacles
The Meanings Of The Minor Arcana Tarot Cards
The Major Arcana deals with archetypal energy and life cycles. The Minor Arcana, on the other hand, covers the everyday issues that we all have to deal with. They can give insight into the situation affecting your present moment, your immediate surroundings, and your environment. The Minor Arcana are also insightful when trying to understand how to take the next steps ahead.
In contrast to the cyclic nature of the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana symbolizes more transient events and energy that pass through your daily life. It is important to remember the events can be quite simply adjusted depending on your actions.
Minor Arcana cards can also shed light on things that happened in the past. Often our present situation is influenced by events from the past, and the Minor Arcana cards can help us understand why we are in the situations we find ourselves in.
Let’s dig in and see how these cards can help us to make sense of daily life.
The Four Suits
Four different card suits make up the Minor Arcana: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Every one of these suits contains 14 cards: 10 numbered cards, and four cards called “court cards” that include the Page, Knight, Queen, and King. Each of these four suits represents a different area of your life, so you know where to direct this guidance when one of these cards shows up in your Tarot reading. Here’s what each of the suits means:
The Suit of Wands

The Wands are represented by staves or canes, which are symbolic of good news, happiness, cheerfulness, various activities, and new beginnings. Their bright spirit is full of life and chock full of positive reactions. The Wand energy is very vibrant and strong. They are very active people who have an active outlook on life. If you pull the Wands in a reading, there is always something exciting coming your way!
The Wands are also a magical suit, and will often pop up in readings that involve initiative, your soul’s purpose, a changing mindset, and spirituality.
What does the Suit of Wands Mean?
The Suit of Wands is all about movement, passion, excitement, and action. They’re the most active of all the suits, and it’s easy to tell that they’re inspired by fire. Let the Wands take you on an adventure in your imagination. Although that may sound like it gets you in over your head, simply allow yourself the freedom to explore your imaginings—there’s no real danger when you do! The power of your mind is what empowers the Suit of Wands, so let this suit guide you in understanding your imagination’s power.