What Do Wands Tarot Cards Mean In A Reading?
The Suit of Wands represents how you live your life. They are the suit of action, motivation, and movement. When you have a dominant hand in this suit, it generally refers to how you approach new challenges, opportunities, and relationships.
Wands are about taking action. In readings, they can show that it is time to take the next step in your life. They represent action, initiative, and motivation. Wands can help you to move forward along with your ambitions and passions.
What Do Reversed Wands Tarot Cards Mean?
The reversed suit of wands is about not feeling safe, or about feeling as if you don’t have the power to face the world. Wands often deal with creativity and inspiration, so when reversed they can signify losing those things.
When the suit of Wands is reversed, expect some disruption to occur. A reversed Wands deck may serve as a warning or be an omen of some kind of delay or setback. A reversed tarot card might also serve to heighten feelings of vulnerability or helplessness.
What Element is the Wands Suit Associated with?
Ruled by the element of Fire, the suit of Wands is associated with creativity, passion, determination, initiative, ideas, imagination, strategy, inspiration, and self-confidence. When things are out of balance in our lives, they can also be associated with intolerance, anger, recklessness, and dependence on others.
The suit of Wands corresponds to Fire signs such as:
They represent the element of fire and the qualities of dynamism, activity, and striving that accompany it. Wands are ruled by the planet Mars and share certain characteristics with that planet – most notably their unquenchable drive for achievement.
What Does It Mean When A Tarot Reading Is Mostly Wands Tarot Cards?
A reading with mostly Wands suggests that the querent is looking for fun, activity, and creativity in their lives. If you’re seeing a reading composed of Wands cards then you are dealing with an individual who may be impulsive, adventurous, or creative. The querent is likely to be drawing on their inner strength in times of need.
The Suit of Cups

The cup is a suit that symbolizes your intuition, your emotional state, and the relationships in your life. Cards in the suit of cups typically show up when you are dealing with issues in relationships, love, and understanding your emotions.
What does the Suit of Cups Mean?
In this suit, emotions, feelings, and creativity are strongly represented. Use the suit of Cups to get some direction when navigating emotional matters, connection with the people around you, and your relationships.
If you are looking to understand your emotions, then use the suit of Cups to get some insight.