The Suit of Swords

The Swords represent the challenges we face in life. The swords can also be ominous to receive, as they can let us know that heartache and conflict might be issues that we have to deal with. As you can probably gather by now, the Swords are here to help us through challenges.

Instead of getting fearful when you pull swords, see it as an opportunity to acknowledge your difficulties. They help us to see how to use our mental acuity to get through challenges. 

The Swords are connected to our mental sphere. This includes the words we speak, our actions, and the thoughts we think. But they can also help us to make choices, stand in our power, and speak our ideas into reality. 

What does the Suit of Swords Mean?

The two key components of this suit are the intellect and the mind. How is your mental space? The Sword shines a light on how we communicate our beliefs and how we use our thoughts to change our attitudes. 

Have you heard the saying “double-edged sword”? When something is referred to as a double-edged sword, it often represents how important balance between is. In the case of the Suit of Swords, the double edge represents how intellect and power have a very nimble dance together.

Intellect and power are often associated with selfishness, and ‘evil’. But, they can also be used for good. However, it takes balance to use certain attributes for the greater good, right? Well, in the case of the suit of Swords, we can use our Spirit to sustain this balance, ultimately using our intellect and power for the overall greater good.

What Does the Sword Suit Mean In A Reading?

Everything related to taking decisive action, a strong show of force, oppression, courage, ambition, power, change, and conflict are connected to the Swords suit. 

But are these always negative? Words like ‘oppression are often seen as negative, especially when coupled with ‘power’, and ‘conflict’. They don’t always have to have a negative connotation- action regarding the suit of Swords can be both constructive as well as destructive. 

But, as we know all too well there are negative aspects to everything. And in the Suit of Swords, the negative aspects cover intense emotions such as anger and guilt, unwarranted and overly harsh judgment, and a lack of compassion.

What Do Reversed Swords Tarot Cards Mean?

Swords Tarot cards symbolize intellectual, mental, and psychic energy. A specific aspect of your life that qualifies as a challenge, as well as an opportunity for transformation, has come to the forefront of your awareness. The intellect is one of the best tools you have to learn about yourself and the world around you.

The Swords Tarot card is one of the Major Arcana cards that come into play when you are experiencing tumultuous emotions. There will be action and change that often feels like it is beyond your control. The message you get from this card is about how to move forward through your inner turmoil and focus on the good in what you currently experience.

The Swords card is a “turmoil” for the Tarot. The symbol of the suit is a cross, indicating a crossroad in choice. The contradictory forces of going ‘yes’ and ‘no’ are represented in the imagery of the suit, where one end of the sword is pointing down and the other up. The runeblade itself shows five spokes, corresponding with various events that can alter your course in life; these include Knowledge, Courage, Personal Power, Fear, and Death.

What Element is the Suit of Swords Associated with? 

The Suit of Swords is closely connected to the Air element. And if you can understand the associations of the Air element, then you can understand that the swords deal with the unseen things in constant motion in and around us. It is associated with the mind, reason, logic, and communication. People represented by this suit are rational thinkers who want to understand the world through the power of their minds. They can reach conclusions without being emotional.