Although Air is intangible, it can be strong and a force to be reckoned with.
Swords people may be very expressive and charismatic as they like to let their voices be heard. They are quick to react but expect others to follow their lead when it comes to ideas. The Swords are the thoughts in your head, an emotional reaction to a specific situation. Due to this, if you are asking for advice from this person you must be prepared for the subject matter.
The Swords Tarot card often represents the astrological signs of:
When you see a Swords Court Card in a Tarot reading, it often relates to a person with an Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini star sign.
The Air element is typically more of masculine energy, and is connected to the following:
What Does It Mean When A Tarot Reading Is Mostly Swords Tarot Cards?
Mostly Swords cards in a Tarot reading can be warning you to be more vigilant or cautious of what is around you. There could be arguments or even violence. There are several ways to express this message; the picture on the cards, the actual words that are written, and also by the number of cards that are used. You may also not be seeing what is around you.
Oftentimes, you will see many Swords in a Tarot reading. This means that the Querant is undergoing issues with communication, which can be giving them frustration. The Swords are meant to cause us to ‘ act’ more carefully or think of ways to act more carefully. They can push us into an area of self-reflection that allows us time to explore why we are acting in this manner.
The important element of the sword is that it is intellectual energy, which works on the mind more than the heart. When the cards come up Swords-heavy, you should look at those situations as being positive. But it could also be a good time for deep contemplation rather than taking any action. Another meaning to a reading that is heavy with Swords is that you are dealing with a lot of mental anguish, internal conflict, and other internal struggles that may not have an immediate solution.
This can be very confusing and frustrating to deal with. Probably the best way to tackle a reading where the majority of the cards are Swords would be to look at them as a warning. In other words, Swords intervention means don’t make any rash decisions.