Upright Meaning:

Pulling the Nine of Pentacles upright in a home and family reading is a good omen, no surprise here! You and your family unit have a lot of financial stability right now and it’s due to the hard work of either you or someone in your family unit.

Even if the breadwinner isn’t you, the rewards are due to all of the hard work that you’ve done together. Maybe you took a part-time job so that you could also be the primary childcare giver, putting your own career on the back burner while your partner pursued their goals. Now, your teamwork has paid off financially and the two of you are sitting pretty. Not only are you able to pay off debts and loans, but you’re also wealthy.

You and your family will enjoy luxury and some well-deserved relaxation now. Good for you!

Reversed Meaning:

The Nine of Pentacles reversed in home and family is a sign of bad financial times for you and your family unit. You’ve made some bad calls with professional choices, investments, and poor planning. Now, your entire family is going to pay for it.

This may result in the loss of a home or possible eviction. You have probably been living beyond your means and will need to downsize. Expect to trade in cars, sell off valuables, and overall downsize. It won’t be easy, but it is necessary.

I can’t emphasize enough how the responsibility of this time was entirely in your hands or the hands of someone in your family. This was not an unexpected rainfall of debt or a con man, this was due to poor planning and poor investment due to lack of research and vetting. This was all avoidable.

All you can do now is act responsibly and pick up the pieces.