Upright Keywords:

Financial success, Good long-term planning, Business success, Wealth, Independence, Good investment, Payoff, Rewards

Reversed Keywords:

Business failure, Financial ineptitude, Poor long-term planning, Overworking yourself, Overspending, Questioning your self-worth, Financial loss, Poor money management

The number nine in the Tarot deck is a card of completion. It can be easy to confuse a Nine with a Ten because Ten kinds of feels like it should be the completion card, doesn’t it? The truth is that Tens are about a new transformation that comes from the completion of the Nine.

Since the Nines in Tarot are about completion, they’re a time to enjoy whatever the project is you’ve been working on.

Upright Meaning

If you pull the Nine of Pentacles upright in any reading: good for you! This is a great sign of where you are financially and professionally. Remember that Pentacles are about material gains and losses so if this card is upright, it is a gained material or monetary reward. Yay!

The fertility element of this card means that if you’re considering trying to get pregnant, the time is right. Financially you’re stable, professionally you’re on point, and maturity-wise, you’re ready. It is likely that this Tarot card is indicating a metaphorical pregnancy, and the fruits of your womb have produced something that is all your own.

It’s important to note that the money in this Tarot card is not an inheritance, and it isn’t a surprise. This is a reward for the work you’ve been putting in. You made a plan, you made long-term goals, and then you worked hard to manage those goals with energy and time investment. Now, your plans have paid off and your hard work has come to fruition. This is not just an emotional or mental success, this is very largely a material gain.

You will not only be able to pay off debts and loans, but you will also be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors in luxury now. Well done!

Reversed Meaning

Unfortunately, pulling the Nine of Pentacles reversed is a blockage of all the energy of the Nine of Pentacles upright. That means that you will experience financial and material losses due to your own ineptitude.

You may have made bad investments because you didn’t do the proper research. You may have not thought enough in the future for your work to pay off long-term. You also may have just been overspending and living outside your financial capabilities and it’s caught up to you.

Whatever you’ve been doing, it was not a responsible way of living. The financial loss you’re feeling is one-hundred percent your fault. I’m sorry to say this, but you could have done better.

Another interpretation of this Tarot card, depending on the reading, could be that you have been working so hard for so long, you’re finding it difficult to retire or take a rest. Sometimes we get so accustomed to stress, we don’t know how to function without it. Take a note from the snail and slow down.