Upright Meaning:

When the Nine of Swords appears upright in a career reading, the universe is telling you that the stress your work brings you is not worth it! You are unhappy in your workplace at the moment and are taking your work stress home with you. The conflict between colleagues and a high workload means that you are up at night worried about it all.

No job is worth harming your mental health, and it might be time to take a holiday or switch careers. Take a step back from your work and figure out exactly what you want and what is causing your stress!

In regards to finances, the Nine of Swords suggests that you are extremely worried about your money right now. You are under a lot of pressure, and this is really affecting your mental health. It might be time to reach out for help or an outside perspective to get you through this.

Reversed Meaning:

You are at a breaking point with your work right now, and you are suffering from a serious amount of stress. It is time to make a decision in regards to your work as you need to figure out what you need to do in order to be happy.

Soon you will get to the place where you need to be and will find a way out of this pain. It is important to put yourself and your mental wellbeing first, as no job is worth anxiety and pain.

In regards to your finances, the reversed Nine of Swords suggests that you are about to come out of a period of intense money worries. Things will soon get better, and you will begin to feel more confident with your money.