Upright Meaning:
When appearing in a love Tarot reading, the Nine of Swords suggests that suspicion and paranoia are seriously affecting your love life. If you are in a relationship, there appears to be an element of distrust. Do you not feel secure in your relationship? Do you worry that they don’t love you as much as you love them? Perhaps you are worried about them cheating on you with someone else.
Because of your suspicion and anxiety, you are pushing your partner away. Instead of opening up with them and being honest, you are turning inward and bottling up your emotions. The universe is reminding you that you must be honest with your loved ones and tell them your worries! With the Nine of Swords, worry and anxiety are often amplified, and this suggests that actually, there is nothing to worry about. There really is no reason for this distrust, and you are really just projecting your fears onto your partner.
If you are single, the Nine of Swords suggests that anxieties and pain from past relationships are stopping you from moving forward and finding true love. Perhaps you have been badly hurt and therefore cannot seem to trust new partners. If this is a big issue for you, I strongly recommend seeking therapy. Working with a therapist through these issues can give you the closure you need in order to move on and find new love.
Reversed Meaning:
When the Nine of Swords appears reversed in a love reading, it suggests that you are going through a lot of heartaches right now. Perhaps a breakup or infidelity has emotionally destroyed you, and you don’t believe that you will ever love again. If you are single, the reversed Nine of Swords suggest that trauma and pain from previous relationships are still very much affecting your wellbeing.
But remember, the Nine of Swords brings hope and light. You are in a lot of pain right now, but things will start to slowly get better. You will learn how to heal your heart, and one day you will be able to love again. If you have suffered from trauma from past relationships and find it hard to deal with, seek out help from therapists or support groups. This will be hard at first but will soon fill you with hope. You are strong and powerful and can get through anything!