Upright Meaning:
In a career Tarot spread, the Nine of Wands represents an ongoing battle, perseverance and fighting through the tough times. The reality of the work you have taken on may be hitting home when this card appears in your Tarot reading as the Nine of Wands indicates that you are mid-way through a battle. The previous work you have put in may have left you exhausted and wondering if you have enough energy to complete the task at hand.
This Minor Arcana card tells you to fight on as you will find success. In a financial Tarot reading, the Nine of Wands can indicate that you may be having a bit of a tricky time in terms of money. You may have had a lot of unexpected expenses recently that have left you a little strapped for cash. If you have savings, you may want to consider dipping into them to see you through. If you don’t have savings, try not to worry. Look at ways you can make a little extra side money until things improve.
The Nine of Wands can also signify guarding your money so you may need to be a bit security conscious about cash and valuables when this appears.
Reversed Meaning:
In a career Tarot spread, the Nine of Wands reversed can represent having no fight left or stubbornly refusing to compromise or change. You may feel like are getting nowhere in your job or with a current project and that you have put everything into it but to no avail. When reversed, this card can suggest that exhaustion is affecting your perspective. Work/life balance is not only important for you in your personal life but it’s also essential to good productivity; it may be that you have simply been pushing yourself too far workwise. Try taking a step back to gather yourself together, take some time off and get your energy levels back to normal.
Then decide if it’s worth pushing ahead with what you’ve been doing. Alternatively, the Nine of Wands reversed can indicate that you are relentlessly pushing forward in terms of business or career when you are, in fact, flogging a dead horse. Again, you need to take some time to consider if what you are doing is worth pursuing. In a financial Tarot reading, the Nine of Wands reversed can indicate that you may be running away from your financial responsibilities. This Minor Arcana card reversed can also signify not protecting your money so you may find cash and valuables go missing when it appears.