Upright Meaning:

The Page of Cups is a very youthful card and therefore is reminding you to connect with the younger people in your life. Spending time with the children in your family might be a great way to rediscover your inner child and find new sparks of creativity and passion.

Have fun with your friends and family, and spend time enjoying their company. Life is full of pleasure and happiness, and don’t forget this! Sometimes, spending time with the people we love is exactly what we need to feel whole.

Reversed Meaning:

Are you being immature and childish right now? Perhaps insecurities have made you push those that love you away. The reversed Page of Cups is reminding you of the importance of friends and family, and give and take.

If there is conflict within your home life, it is important to behave in a grownup and thoughtful way. Don’t take your anger out on those around you, and remember to look at the issue from different angles.