Upright Keywords:

Youthfulness, Love News, Innocence, Creativity, Curiosity, Messages, Happy News, Possibility, Inner Child

Reversed Keywords:

Immaturity, Irresponsible, Emotional Vulnerability, Insecurity, Bad News, Childishness, Attention Seeking

In order to understand the Page of Cups fully, we must take a moment to reflect on what the Suit of Cups means for us. This is a suit that reflects emotions and relationships and guides us towards happiness and fulfillment.

The Suit of Cups is governed by the element of water, and this is clear in the depiction of the Page of Cups. Water is healing, changing, and cleansing. It can be rough, but it can also be calm. For the Page of Cups, the water appears calm and expanding. It reminds us of the great possibilities that are out there and the depths of our emotions.

So now we understand what the Suit of Cups is all about, let’s talk about Pages. There are four Pages in most traditional Tarot decks and the first court cards of each suit. They are all strongly linked to youthfulness and messages.

Similar to the Fool, the Pages are beginning their journey into the world and are open to new ideas. Pages bring exciting energy and remind us that the world is our oyster. Anything and everything is possible!

Pages often bring us messages, and often these come out of the blue. When receiving a Page in a Tarot reading, it is telling you to keep your heart and soul open to new ideas and pursue your calling!

Upright Meaning

A common reason why the Page of Cups will pop up in a Tarot reading is that news of love is heading your way. The Page is a messenger, and because it is tied to the Suit of Cups, it is most likely a message in regards to love and emotions.

New and unexpected relationships are on the cards and it is important to listen to your heart and go with the flow. There is a call to action with Page cards as they are telling you to follow your heart and do exactly what you need to do in order to live a fulfilling life.

The Page of Cups also brings youthfulness and creativity. It is time to be open to new ideas in regards to your passions and let your energy flow. You may need to connect with your inner child and allow it to get out there and play!

Now is the time to have fun and let youthful energy guide your creativity. Shake off preconceptions and see the world through fresh eyes. With this, unexpected ideas will come your way and you will be pleasantly surprised! Don’t take things too seriously, and remember to have fun.

Reversed Meaning

When the Page of Cups is reversed, it often is a reflection of immaturity and irresponsibility. Of course, it is good to connect with your inner child, but as an adult, you need to take responsibility for yourself and those around you.

You may be behaving in an emotionally immature way and turning to attention-seeking tactics in order to get what you want.

The reversed Page of Cups can also suggest that bad news is heading your way in regards to love and creativity. Perhaps a creative project hasn’t taken off, or a romance has been stomped out before it even has the chance to begin.

It is time to be a grownup and accept that bad things happen. Dust yourself off and move on, focusing your mind on the future.