Upright Meaning:

The Page of Cups appearing upright in a love reading is a pretty good sign! If you are single, this card is a sign that you will find love unexpectedly. Perhaps someone that you already know will soon confess their feelings and romance will blossom! Don’t think too much about your love life right now, because the right person will come your way very soon.

If you are in a relationship, the Page of Cups suggests that you will get a fresh outlook on your relationship soon. Perhaps things are becoming a bit stale. This isn’t your fault as serious adult life sometimes gets in the way of spontaneity and fun!

But, with the youthful energy of the Page of Cups, your relationship will soon get a new lease of life. It is time to regain the love and passion that brought you and your partner together in the first place.

Reversed Meaning:

If you are in a relationship, the reversed Page of Cups suggests that childish behavior might be impacting the stability of your partnership. Is this you, or your partner? Whoever is behaving immaturely needs to sort this out before it becomes a real problem!

If you are looking for love, the reversed Page of Cups, unfortunately, suggests that bad news is coming your way. Perhaps you have your eyes on someone, but they don’t feel the same. This is going to hurt, but remember, everything happens for a reason. This person isn’t right for you, and you will soon find someone that is.