The Page of Cups is the card of idealism, innocence, sensitivity, and dreamy love. This card shows a young page holding out a cup. He is dressed in royal finery. This indicates his status, but also shows his youth and bravado. Surprisingly, a fish is coming out of the cup, instead of water. This represents the page’s active imagination and sense of humor.
The Page of Cups reminds us that young love may be naive and idealistic, but is also sweet and kind. It is part of the human experience, and it is a stage that is apparent in any relationship. The Page of Cups reminds us to meet the world with the eyes and heart of our inner child, because they are looking to create a better world.
Upright Meaning:
If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Page of Cups, it indicates a yes but with caution. As the Page of Cups is a card that represents innocence and idealism, so you might be looking at things with rose-colored lenses. While this card doesn’t stop you from dreaming, it would just be wise to exercise a little caution when moving forward. Remember that not everything can be dealt with through laughter and fun.
For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Page of Cups indicates a yes. This is a very hopeful sign for love. Don’t take it too seriously and always remember that love isn’t always gonna be picture-perfect, but you can guarantee that you’ll have fun while in love. Love is a beautiful emotion that can help even the oldest souls feel young and full of life once again.
For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Page of Cups indicates a yes. You are full of optimism and the motivation to do your best. Your childlike fascination with the world around you is sure to bring great success to your career as you want to do everything to the best of your capabilities. Your sense of humor and imagination also feels like a breath of fresh air for your coworkers as it reminds them not to take themselves too seriously.
For new and potential relationships, the Page of Cups is a yes. Your aura is extremely attractive to the people around you and they are drawn in by the sparkles in your eyes. Your refreshing view of the world, even though it’s idealistic, is able to fill anyone with a sense of awe. People are excited to get to know you better as they want to share the same positivity that you radiate.
For existing relationships, the Page of Cups is a yes. Your partner is deeply satisfied with your relationship as you’re both able to keep things lighthearted and fun. You are both madly in love with each other and even though you’ve been dating for quite some time, it still feels like the first time you’ve met. Just stay appreciative of your partner and your relationship together and things will last for a very, very long time.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Page of Cups is a hesitant yes, as your ex may be seeing things through rose-colored lenses. They regret their decision to break up with you, but this card warns against taking them back wholeheartedly as their thoughts may not be rooted in reality. It’s nice to dream, but it’s not good to reject reality just for the sake of keeping your dream alive.
Reversed Meaning:
If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Page of Cups reversed, it indicates a no. There are things going on in your life that you are feeling too emotionally immature to handle. You don’t want to ask others for help, but it’s important to acknowledge that no man is an island and that having company or a helping hand isn’t a bad thing. You’re currently struggling to find your footing in life and this imbalance is what is throwing you off.
For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Page of Cups reversed indicates a hesitant yes. This card represents feelings of insecurity and hesitation. You want to love and be loved in return, but your hesitance to reach out to other people is what is keeping you isolated. Come out of your shell a little bit and reach out your hand to someone around you, you’d be surprised to find out who would be willing to reach back out.
For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Page of Cups reversed indicates no. Things are overwhelming for you at the moment and adding any more stress to yourself may cause a shutdown. Take things slow and do the shadow work that is needed to put your best foot forward. Success is definitely possible in the future, but nothing too big is going to happen anytime soon.
For new and potential relationships, the Page of Cups reversed is a no. You aren’t in the right emotional state to enter a relationship at this moment in time. If you force yourself to get into a relationship with someone just for the sake of it then this card is a sign that it might end in a disaster if you’re unable to admit to your shortcomings. You need to work on communicating what you feel to your partner so they can properly help you out. After all, a relationship is about giving and taking.
For existing relationships, the Page of Cups reversed is a no. There is a lot of work that needs to be done if you want to turn things around. Your partner is feeling very frustrated in your relationship from your lack of healthy communication. You struggle to express your needs to them, and it’s beginning to take a toll on your relationship dynamic. Work on being able to express what you need in a positive way, rather than throwing tantrums and starting arguments in order to get what you want.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Page of Cups reversed is a no. Your ex still hasn’t moved on from your breakup. They still feel the same magnitude of hurt that they felt when the split first happened. They desperately want your affection, but there is something that is holding them back from reaching out to you. Their emotional maturity needs to develop some more before they can even consider getting back with you.