Upright Meaning:
This card reveals several things about love when it pops up in a tarot reading. The Page represents someone with ambition and drive. Like the card, they are considered an upright person; decent, honest, and loyal.
If you are in a relationship, some things need attention from both parties. You are both guilty of neglecting some aspects of your twosome, but it’s not all bad. You at least have strong foundations to rebuild something bigger and maybe even better.
Singletons should note they have the whole world of love at their feet. It’s time to go out and mingle or declare your feelings for a secret crush. Remember, the Page of Pentacles is all about growth and prosperity, so what are you waiting for?
Reversed Meaning:
Are you giving the people you love the care and attention they deserve? This card is a reminder of how important it is to be yourself in all relationships. To be honest and fair, not pick and choose when to be fake.
If you have a lover but can’t commit, take the risk and be honest. Single people looking for love should do the same. By respecting who you are, you will manifest a partner who is worthy of your attention.