Symbolism & Imagery:
The Page of Pentacles tarot card may have a unique design, depending on which deck you choose. Here I’ve used the standard Rider-Waite version, which features a young male dressed in simple, peasant-style clothing, standing on open land.
In many tarot decks, the Page appears to be a young man, though sometimes a young woman or a gender-neutral figure is used instead. The Page may not be as glamorous as the Knight of Pentacles, but he’s not too worried.
Several trees and farming fields can be seen in the background, but the Page is concentrating on the Pentacle ornament he is holding gently with the fingertips of both hands. From the Page’s body language and expression, the Pentacle seems to be precious to him.
The Pentacle itself is a Wiccan talisman used to invoke positive, earthly protection. It is generally presented inside a circle, as it is in the Page of Pentacles card. In the 21st century, the pentacle is a symbol of faith, of possibilities. Here it represents the opportunities ahead and reminds you to believe in manifestation.
The Page is connected to Mother Earth and able to draw on her positive energy. He’s all about standing your ground, being open to what is out there, and believing in yourself. Did you notice this lowly courtier is most definitely looking up, away from the earth? This confirms he is focused firmly on the future and all it can offer.