Upright Meaning:

If you pull the Page of Swords upright in a career and money reading, this is great news. The Page of Swords is your green light remember, so any chance you were wondering about taking should be taken. Whether it’s accepting that new position or starting your own business: the odds of success are in your favor.

Remember that Pages are young, so this is a new experience. This could mean that you take a pay cut to learn a new trade that gives you more fulfillment. It could mean that you even have to take something unpaid like an internship or apprenticeship to learn a new trade. If that’s the case, it’s still good for you as long as the Page of Swords is upright.

If your reading is focusing on money and the Page of Swords appears upright, this is still positive. It means your venture is in its infancy, but it will pay off in the long run, especially if you have Pentacles following this Tarot card.

Reversed Meaning:

Stop what you’re doing if you see this card reversed in a career and money reading. This card blocked is hasty decisions with poor planning. You don’t want to be doing this!

I advise you to stop, re-evaluate, and make a better plan. You might think you have a good plan, but you don’t; that’s why the Page of Swords is appearing reversed to you right now. You’ve cut corners, whether you’re aware of that or not.

This card could also be calling you out on talking about big plans that you’re doing nothing to achieve. If you’ve been talking, it’s time to put pen to paper and start doing.

Financially, you do not see any return because you aren’t investing anything. Get your head right and make moves.