Upright Meaning:
When the Page of Swords appears upright in a health reading, it’s good news. This simply means that you are in a good place to begin to heal right now.
You are gearing up for a new exercise regimen or medical treatment that will pay off and improve your health. The focus is probably on your mind and mental state because of the Page of Swords being so tied to air and the higher consciousness.
You’ve done the research, you’ve made plans, now go forward and take advantage of this opportunity. You’re going to be okay!
Reversed Meaning:
The Page of Swords reversed in your health reading is telling me that specifically, you are struggling with memory and brain fog. The Page of Swords is an air sign, and air element remember and therefore connected to the high consciousness. You’re having trouble remembering things and retaining focus.
My advice to you is to take some time alone to regroup and refocus yourself. The keyword here is time. The Page of Swords reversed is hasty and impulsive, which is what got you here in the first place. It leads to bad decisions.
Pulling the Page of Swords reversed is your sign of stopping what you’re doing and focusing on your mental health to regain your clarity. And please take your time doing so.