Upright Keywords:

Growth, Maturing, Curiosity, Potential, Gaining momentum, Self-expression, Communication

Reversed Keywords:

Hesitation, Holding yourself back, Haste, Lack of action, No follow-through, Questioning yourself, Questioning others

Pages are the first of the court cards for each suit. They are associated with the element of earth, which gives them an attachment to Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, in addition to the air-astrological signs listed in the above section.

Pages are also referred to as princesses, daughters, seekers, and more, depending on the Tarot deck you’re working with.

Their attachment to the earth makes Pages practical and grounded, or the opposite if reversed. Their actions have tangible results.

Because they are the first of the court cards, Pages represent both literally and metaphorically young people. They signify the beginning of something new, often a new project or journey. They can also be interpreted as messengers of new opportunities and/or adventures.

Upright Meaning

The Page of Swords is all about energy and momentum when he’s upright. This Page is gearing up for a big swing towards a new adventure.

If you pull the Page of Swords upright in any Tarot reading, he’s telling you to go for whatever it is you’ve been considering. The lushness of this card indicates success in your venture, so let go of your reservations.

The Page of Swords could also be a messenger trying to tell you about a new opportunity you should take. So you may not be thinking of starting your own business, moving, etc. But this Page appears to signify that someone is going to approach you with an opportunity soon. That opportunity is good; you should trust this messenger.

Reversed Meaning

If the Page of Swords is reversed in a Tarot reading, the cards may be calling you out on talking about big moves without action. While the Page of Swords upright is gearing up for big moves, when he’s blocked, he’s just talking about nonsense because he’s not making anything happen. We all know a person like this, don’t be that person.

The Page of Swords appearing reversed could also be telling you that you aren’t planning well and, therefore, you’re acting hastily. The card is warning you to stop and reflect on the best course of action before you swing. If you’ve already swung, things probably aren’t working out too well because you acted too quickly.

The Page of Swords has also been called a questioner. He questions friends and himself. Have you been second-guessing yourself? Have you been pestering your friends with a lot of questions without offering them the support they need? Appearing reversed, the Page of Swords could be pointing out that you need to rely on yourself more and trust yourself more.