Upright Meaning:

The Page of Swords in a love reading is great news! Whatever relationship you’re considering getting into is going to work out well. Yay!

This signifies a new relationship or perhaps a new phase in your relationship. You might be considering asking someone to commit to you, whether it’s exclusive dating or marriage. It could also mean you’ve been thinking about moving in with your significant other. Whatever the question is, the Page of Swords is giving you the green light. This is going to work out wonderfully!

However, if the Page of Swords is referring to you or your partner in this reading, it can be a little daunting.

Because they are young (whether literally or metaphorically), they can fear commitment or not be ready for commitment. This might not be the best time to enter a relationship with this person. Perhaps waiting until they are a Queen or King is better.

Since the Pages can be messengers, this could also be a friend trying to set you up with someone they know. If so, you should try it! Blind dates can be nerve-racking but trust your friend.

Reversed Meaning:

If the Page of Swords is reversed in a love reading, it could mean that the person who was once flighty and young at heart is finally ready to settle down and commit.

Reversed in this Tarot reading, the Page of Swords could also be a breakdown in communication. Since he is a messenger blocked, something just isn’t getting through. You may be arguing a lot with your partner lately or having a lot of miscommunications which lead to bickering. If so, the Page is telling you to take some time with your words and really tell your partner what you need and want. What’s bothering you? This doesn’t need to be a fight, but it does need to be a constructive conversation.

If the Page of Swords represents a person in your love reading, it’s not great. This person can be hasty, quick to emotion, and poor at communication. Pay attention to where this card falls in your Tarot reading because if it’s directly pointing to a person, entering a relationship with them won’t be great.