Upright Meaning:

In a career Tarot reading, the Page of Wands can indicate that you are in the early stages of or thinking of starting a new job, project or business that you are very excited about when it appears in your Tarot spread. Make sure you have thought through your new venture as the Page of Wands has a tendency to jump into things head first without any forethought. This Minor Arcana card can also represent work related travel so you may get the opportunity to travel for work. If you have been waiting to hear the outcome of a job application or a promotion you applied for this card is a good omen. In a financial Tarot spread, the Page of Wands indicates that your finances will be going well as it indicates good financial news, an abundance of money or gifts coming to you or exciting new investment opportunities coming your way. Just don’t spend it all in one shop! Put some money aside for your future.

Reversed Meaning:

In a career Tarot reading, the Page of Wands reversed can indicate that you may have ideas about where you want to be in your career or business but you have no idea how to accomplish this or you are not putting the work in. There can also be a lack of ambition, drive, enthusiasm or energy when this card appears in your Tarot spread. This Minor Arcana card reversed can indicate that something has brought your career to a standstill or is stopping you from progressing. It can also indicate that you may be coming across as irresponsible or unfocused or even cocky or arrogant to your bosses, colleagues or business associates, which will not gain favour or help your advancement.

If you have been waiting to hear the outcome of a job application or a promotion you applied for this card is not a good omen. In a financial Tarot spread, the Page of Wands reversed indicates that your finances may not be going well as it can indicate disappointing financial news and that you may be irresponsible or overly confident with money to the detriment of your finances.