Upright Meaning:
Having the Queen of Pentacles show up upright in your money, and career Tarot spread is great. You’ve been working hard and getting noticed for it. You’re making more money, or you’re about to if this card falls in your future, and it’s making you the breadwinner of your household.
Even with more responsibility at work, you balance your home life with grace. You nurture your family and your partner, but you need to take the time to also take care of yourself. The Queen of Pentacles isn’t the goal remember, she’s just a step towards becoming The Empress, meaning having her upright is positive but not perfect.
Reversed Meaning:
If the Queen of Pentacles is reversed in your money and career reading, you’re probably doing well with saving money but only for yourself. While upright, the Queen of Pentacles cares for others, reversed she cares only for herself. This isn’t a huge problem, but it isn’t ideal. Take a step back and look at your finances and your situation. Could you stand to be more generous? The Queen of Pentacles thinks you could. Try to do something nice for your family unit, whatever that looks like. Could you buy your dog a new collar, a new toy? Does your partner have their eye on a restaurant for dinner you could treat them to?
She could also mean that you’re making bad business decisions. When she’s upright, she has plenty to spare, but when she’s reversed, she’s blocked, so she either doesn’t want to share or cannot. Exercise caution with investments and business choices if you pull the Queen of Pentacles reversed in a career and money reading.