Upright Keywords:
Motherly, Matron, Nurturer, Breadwinner, Financially secure, Successful in work, Successful in family, Loving, Affectionate, Stable
Reversed Keywords:
Self-care, Independence, Saving money for yourself, Taking care of only yourself, An imbalance between home and work-life, Poor business choices
All the queens in the Tarot aspire to be The Empress of the Major Arcana. The queens, therefore, all signify the different elements of their suit: earth, air, fire, and water, and therefore all the steps towards becoming a well-balanced, harmonious, sensuous, mother, lover, sister, and friend.
Don’t get me wrong, the queens are all well-balanced and established feminine figures. They are just still figuring it all out before they evolve to the status of The Empress. Think of them as different phases of her life.
While the Queen of Wands is all about fertility and growth, for example, the Queen of Cups focuses more on her inner intuition. The Queen of Pentacles is all about work and life balance, mastering her outside relationships with her ability to make money and advancements at work.
Upright Meaning
The Queen of Pentacles is a positive Tarot card in any spread. Even if she is reversed, the Queen of Pentacles isn’t necessarily negative. She may just be pointing out a need for more focus or balance.
Upright, the Queen of Pentacles is financially secure; she has done well and continues to do well professionally. The Queen of Pentacles is also excellent at making a home. She somehow manages to work full-time (or more) and also come home to make dinner. Do you know someone like that? Maybe it’s time to learn from them; she could be a mentor for you. Are you that person? If so, congratulations! That isn’t easy!
Reversed Meaning
If the Queen of Pentacles is reversed, it still isn’t a bad thing. This can indicate that you are simply focused more on work than your home life or vice versa. Having her show up reversed in your Tarot spread is pointing out the imbalance. Long-term, you want to fix that, of course. Having work take over your life is not good because it will damage your relationships. Similarly, having no focus at work because your home life has taken over your focus is damaging as well.