Upright Meaning:
In a career Tarot reading, the Queen of Swords can indicate that you may receive support, assistance or constructive criticism from an older woman in your work environment. This woman is sophisticated, honest, wise and professional. You would do well to follow her example, or you may already be embodying these qualities yourself.
This Minor Arcana card is a good communication card so you should find you are able to get your point across when it appears. Your colleagues will respect you for your honesty and integrity when it appears in your Tarot spread. In a financial Tarot spread, again the Queen of Swords can indicate that an older sophisticated woman may give you some solid financial advice so pay attention. She will not stir you into trouble. It can also indicate that your gift of the gab may lead to you getting some good financial opportunities.
Reversed Meaning:
In a career Tarot reading, the Queen of Swords reversed can represent an older woman in work environment who is overly critical or harsh with you or may spread malicious gossip about you. However, this Minor Arcana card can also point to communication issues where you may not be getting your point across in the best way. Be careful not to come across as negative, severe, pessimistic or rude when dealing with co-workers or business associates.
You’ll catch more flies with honey as they say! In a financial Tarot spread, again the Queen of Swords reversed can indicate that an older deceitful or malicious woman may give you some bad financial advice so be careful. This card can also indicate poor communication or miscommunication which could end up costing you money.