Upright Meaning:

This is great news for a career and money reading! Wands are all about fire and ambition, and the Queen of Wands appearing upright in this reading is symbolizing a lot of forwarding momentum for you.

This will be a period of professional growth and not just achieving goals but seeing the benefits of all your hard work. Remember how the Queen’s wand blossoms and how she herself is fertility. This card foretells you sowing the seeds of your labor and promises a bountiful harvest. Congratulations, your hard work is paying off!

Reversed Meaning:

Unfortunately, this is the opposite of the upright meaning. Fertility and ambition is blocked, which means you’re going to be very frustrated with not being noticed or appreciated at work. You have the energy of the Queen of Wands, and you are therefore capable of great things, but you are not in the right place right now. You may have just been passed up for a well-deserved promotion or raise.

Depending on the cards around the Queen of Wands, it may be time to find a new job. However, her blockage could just be a phase. Maybe a new boss will come around who appreciates you, and maybe your current boss will suddenly realize how much you have done and what you are capable of. It’s difficult to say for sure without the cards surrounding the Queen of Wands here in front of me. If it feels unclear what your move should be, really hone in on those cards after this Queen.

You also might not be spending your money well. You are either overspending, or you are being too stingy. The Queen of Wands tends to be dramatic. Take a moment to look over your finances. Are you being overly cautious? Do you deserve to splurge? Or are you splurging too much and need to plan for the future better?