Upright Meaning:

Passion! Sex! This is a fertile time for your love life, whether you’re trying to conceive or not. Remember that fertility is probably symbolic fertility, not an actual pregnancy.

If you pull the Queen of Wands in a love reading, things are good. Things are passionate, energetic, and moving forward. Try not to get so caught up in the physical of the relationship though, it can be blinding. Still, the energy of the Queen of Wands is pure and intuitive, very in-charge, and healthy. Enjoy this time.

Reversed Meaning:

Things might be fizzling out for you and your partner. This will definitely be a physical fizzle, but it could also be a mental fizzle as well. The Queen of Wands is so intuitive; this issue is more than sex. This is a problem of the mind too.

If you pull the card reversed in a love reading, you’re going to be feeling things slowing down with your love life. This is a time to reflect and consider where you are and where you want to be. Have you grown apart from your partner? Or if you’re single, has that life become stale for you? Is it time to refocus that sexual energy into a lasting partnership? Only you can answer this question; the Queen of Wands simply directs your attention to it.