Upright Meaning:

The Seven of Cups being pulled upright in a love reading is telling you to make some difficult choices. If you’re in a relationship, you might be struggling with where to compromise and where to stand your ground. All relationships ebb and flow, don’t be too hard on yourself. Just maintain communication with your partner so these boundaries don’t become fights.

If you’re single, you might be choosing who to date or who to commit to. Because some of these cups contain negative elements, exercise caution. Communication is key once again in choosing the right person for yourself. (Don’t end up with a lying snake, look for the healing snake!)

Reversed Meaning:

The Seven of Cups reversed in a love reading is not a good thing. You’re all over the place! This is showing a lot of confusion and lack of clarity in your current situation, whether single or attached.

If you’re in a relationship, you’re confused. You may have made some bad choices that are affecting you and your partner. The turmoil is likely caused by your inability to make choices at all though, and that lack is creating stress. Stop wasting your partner’s time and make a decision!

If you’re single, this may be indicating that you may have refused to choose a partner and are dating several people at once which is okay if everyone knows and consents, but playing with emotions is not okay. Check yourself.