Symbolism & Imagery:
A man stands, a garden tool supporting his resting head as he admires the pentacles he is growing in his garden. The plant that produces the pentacles is shades of green, connecting this project to Mother Earth and illustrating the connection of this card with the element of earth.
He stands with one foot on the green earth and one foot on a spot of blue water, which connects him to the subconscious as well as the tangible ground. This shows that he has mastered the balance of being grounded with knowing his true self in his subconscious.
He balances earth and water, a difficult harmony to grasp. The blue water also irrigates the plant, which will grow his bounty. This shows the cycle of life and the way knowing our subconscious can feed our material gains.
His clothes are blue and orange. Orange correlates to the number seven in that it represents challenges to overcome. The blue on his legs and arms also connects him to his subconscious.
Behind the man, the sky is grey, and grey indicates gloom and a pending storm. While the world behind him is dark and uncertain, he focuses on the future, cultivating seeds for a fruitful, long-term plan.
While the pentacles are growing from the man’s garden, they are not yet ready to be harvested. The man watches them patiently, knowing that what he’s done is good. This man will be ready for the challenges of life, he is planning for his long-term future, and if he keeps at it, he will do well.
Notice that although the plant is thriving, the man still tends it. This illustrates that the project at hand is doing well, but still needs constant care to survive and reach its potential. Soon he will be able to harvest his coins.