Upright Meaning:
The Seven of Swords isn’t really a good sign when appearing in a love and relationship Tarot spread. It is a card of deception and lies, so it can be pretty alarming to appear in a reading of those in relationships. If you are in a relationship, it is time to examine the dynamic between you and your partner and figure out if you or they are not being as truthful as you should.
The Seven of Swords might be a warning of something big, such as infidelity. However, it might be referring to a smaller white lie that will, if not addressed, cause issues in the relationship. In order for a partnership to be strong and healthy, both people must be honest with each other. You may think that in some situations, lying is what is needed, but the Tarot is telling you otherwise! Be honest now, and you can grow together as a partnership.
If you are single, the Seven of Swords is telling you that you must be wary of new potential partners that you are meeting. People’s intentions might not be clear at first, so don’t throw yourself into a new relationship. The Tarot is also reminding you that relationships should be built on honesty. Perhaps you often play games with new partners and might not tell the whole truth about who you are. This may feel good at the time, but it will cause new relationships to crumble. If you want a long-lasting relationship, it is time to start telling the truth and stop playing games!
Reversed Meaning:
When appearing reversed in a love Tarot spread, the Seven of Swords can be seen as a positive sign. Perhaps you have been going through a rough patch in your relationship and feel as if your partner is not honest with you. The reversed Seven of Swords suggests that your love life is changing for the better, with fairness and truth on the horizon.
You or your partner might need to confess something. But, after this confession, you can work together in order to create a loving and healthy relationship. You are able to fix any mistakes and start over with a new way of loving.
If you are single and looking for a relationship, the Seven of Swords reversed suggests that you will soon have realizations about your love life and what you are wanting from a relationship. It is time to give up harmful love patterns and discover a new outlook on love and life. This will be a great time for you, and is super exciting!
The reversed Seven of Swords is also reminding you of not giving up in regards to love. Disappointment and heartbreak might have really affected the way you think about love, but the right person for you is out there!