Upright Meaning:

In a career Tarot spread, the Seven of Wands can represent fighting to protect what you have. When it appears you may find that you have a battle on your hands to hold on to your success or position. There are always young hungry people coming up the ladder behind you and you have to stand up for yourself if you want to maintain your status or career position. You have the talent, drive and ambition to do so. You should be feeling confident and powerful when the Seven of Wands shows up in your Tarot spread. It can also signify that your conviction may be tested.

You may be challenged or asked to do something that is against your morals or judgement. This Minor Arcana card would see you standing up for what you believe in. It can also indicate that you may have to defend your reputation as other try to drag you down. In a financial Tarot reading, the Seven of Wands sees you protecting the wealth or financial security you have attained.

This could be in the form of making smart investments, saving for a rainy day, insuring your assets or taking out a pension. Whatever the case, you will be putting long term financial plans of some sort in place.

Reversed Meaning:

In a career Tarot spread, the Seven of Wands reversed can represent not protecting what you have achieved or worked for. When it appears you may find that you have taken your eye off the ball and someone else has taken your place. You may be lacking the stamina to engage in the endless competition to maintain your success or simply be overcome with the exhaustion of it all. You may have lost your drive or ambition. You may be lacking in confidence or feel powerless when the Seven of Wands shows up reversed in your Tarot spread. It can signify that you may be going against your own moral code or better judgement in order to gain favour with your boss.

This Minor Arcana card would see you folding on your own beliefs. It can also indicate that your reputation may be in the mud as others try to discredit you to further their own careers. In a financial Tarot reading, the Seven of Wands reversed sees you failing to protect the wealth or financial security you have attained. This could take the form of you wasting your hard earned money on frivolous purchases or failing to put financial plans like savings, smart investments or pensions in place for your future.