Upright Meaning:

If the Six of Cups appears to you upright in a health reading, you or someone you know needs support right now. You may not realize it (even if it is you), but the moment to act is now.

You or your loved one may need a small loan, or maybe just a home-cooked meal. Whatever the support is, you need to stop what you’re doing and think about who might need you and if you need someone else right now.

The Six of Cups is telling you in this Tarot reading that it’s okay to ask for help, and it’s also okay to offer help. It will improve your health or the health of a loved one if you do.

Reversed Meaning:

If the Six of Cups is reversed in your health, reading could be indicating that a health issue you’re currently experiencing is actually genetic. Look into your family’s medical history if you are able to. Talk to relatives, reach out. This could be the missing puzzle piece to a health issue.

Furthermore, the Six of Cups reversed could be pointing out a current mental, emotional, and/or physical issue you’re having that stems from childhood trauma. You should talk to a professional and address these issues; they won’t get better on their own. I know it’s hard, but the Six of Cups is telling you that you need to address the trauma.